Love It to Lose It

Thursday 18 February 2016

The Truth About Sugar - A Sweet Addiction

At last research and science is proving that those of us with a food and weight issue are NOT LACKING IN WILLPOWER.  How many years have I beat myself up for not being, 'Good Enough' strong enough and consistent enough to lose weight permanently? Decades!

The convenience food industry have a lot to answer for and below is a video highlighting the science behind our addiction to sugar and our perceived lack of willpower. When we eat refined sugars and flour (present in most convenience foods) it causes the release of dopamine, a chemical that plays a major part in reward-motivated behaviour, giving us a 'food high' and a craving for more.

This is because, as with all addictive substances (including tabacco, alcohol and drugs), these addictive foods release high levels of dopamine into our body. The problem with this is that the dopamine receptors become overloaded and begin to work less effectively. In turn this means that to gain the same level of enjoyment, more of the addictive substance/food is required to feel the same level of reward.We are hooked into a cycle of craving and eating that only escalates if you have an addictive peronality. (For more details and to take a 'Susceptibility' Test see Susan Pierce Thompson's videos.

Don't give up though as there is great news. By cutting out refined sugar and flour from your diet for just 2-3 weeks the damage to the dopamine receptors is reversed. This means that your cravings are controlled and your battle with food, a thing of the past.


  1. This makes sense. Sugar is just one more substance our bodies can become addicted to.

    1. Hi Deanne. Thanks for your comment and interest. I have dropped 2 dress sizes in 4 months by cutting out sugar, wheat and dairy. I feel fabulous!

    2. Hi Deanne. Thanks for your comment and interest. I have dropped 2 dress sizes in 4 months by cutting out sugar, wheat and dairy. I feel fabulous!
