Love It to Lose It

Tuesday 26 January 2016


Oh my God, you look fabulous!

What do you do when you receive a personal compliment? This is such an important question. Your answer is the key to self-motivation and self-loving actions.

So, if someone pays you a compliment what is your response? Do you get embarrassed and reply with reasons why you don’t think so? Do you change the subject quickly? Do you put yourself down by indicating that you are still not ‘good enough’? Do you throw them away?

However you respond to a personal compliment makes a huge difference to your mindset and ongoing motivation. So why are compliments so important to us? And how should we respond to them to gain their optimal effect?

The Importance of a Compliment
Firstly, it is important to understand that every human being needs a certain level of ‘strokes’. These are positive communications we gain from others. Where we do not get them from others we may ask for them, “Do I look good in this?” Alternatively we may create a negative one in our own mind, “I look awful in the dress!”

For those whose default mindset is positive they will be thinking “I look AWESOME in this dress!” I don’t know about you but my default mindset is set to negative. That’s what happens when you believe your ‘Not Good Enough’ and the reason why I work every day at altering my negative mindset to a positive one. This is a choice everyone can make.

The reality is that we require these ‘strokes’ to survive. The amount we need and in what ratio, positive to negative, varies from person to person. However, if we seek negative ones more than positive ones, or worse still feed out minds with negative not positive thoughts, we keep ourselves trapped as victims, struggling to feel motivated.

Increase Your Motivation – Stop Throwing Compliments Away
When we reject a positive stroke, such as rejecting a compliment by throwing it away, we are throwing away an opportunity to be motivated. Often we are not even aware that we throw them away. We just feel demotivated, uncared for or unloved. One of the most self-loving actions you can take is to believe you deserve the compliment and to take it onboard.

So how do you do this? Check it out for yourself with these three actions….

1.      Watch carefully for your discomfort or negative response to something positive that someone says to you.

2.      Listen and watch for your negative response to a compliment.

3.      Consider carefully if you trust and care for the person offering the complement.

4.      If you trust them and know they never lie to you ACCEPT THE COMPLEMENT.

5.      To accept the complement simply say to them “THANK YOU”. No more no less.

6.      Feel the warm glow that flows through you as you offer thanks.

7.      For added benefit think about the complement at some later time and feel the warm glow all over again!

8.      Build a bank of complements to tap into when you begin to feel low or think you are ‘Not Good Enough’

Start building and using your bank of complements today and see how your motivation and happiness levels grow.  

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